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As of April 1st this year, price per track user will increase from £5.00 to £6.00.
Carers of supported persons will continue to go free.
To help us bring cycling to everyone – regardless of ability, we rely heavily on warm, kind-hearted and generous donations. These donations undeniably drive our commitment towards reaching our goal:
“Delivering cycling to everyone - regardless of ability”
We have received a number of donations over the years but would just like to recognise some of our recent donors:
"Awards for all"
"EAM Tree & Garden Services"
"Coop Community Fund"
"Highland Velodrome Trust"
"Sport Scotland"
"The Sigrid Rausing Trust"
"The Robertson Trust"
"Shared Care / Better Breaks"
"National Lottery - People's Project"

These donors have and currently are making positive changes to our cycle centre
Thank You!
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